whoever 的用法與替換
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anyone who/ those who/ a person who/ whoever 的用法

-ever (whoever/ whatever/ whichever/ however/ whomever) 一直是高中學生解不開的結,學生會一直周旋在:whoever 到底是 anyone who 還是 no matter who,其實兩者皆是。但 anyone whono matter who 有著不同的文法:前者意思為「任何…的人」,是 關係代名詞;後者意思為「不管是誰」,屬於連接詞,引導一個「副詞子句」。舉例來說:

Whoever is kind toward people in need is always happy.
Whoever is kind toward people in need, he or she is my role model.

第一句中的 whoever 是 anyone who,因為他引導的是一個名詞子句,當作主詞。而第二句的 whoever 則是 no matter who,因為所引導的是一個副詞子,表示讓步。總而言之,whoever 有可能意為 whoever,也有可能意為 anyone who,而在這個章節裡,我們將對其作為 anyone who 的用法深入探討。

從 anyone who 到 whoever

首先,anyone who 中文翻作「凡是…的人(們)都…」或「任何…人都…」。在此,anyone 是先行詞,而 who 則是關係代名詞,所以 anyone who 兩個字加起來文法就稱為「複合關代」,讓我們來看個例句吧:

Anyone who is late is not allowed to enter the room. 

在這句話中,who 是關代,引導出 is late 這個形容詞子句來修飾先行詞 anyone。綜合起來,才會產生一個真正的主詞——「凡是遲到的人」,而主要動詞則是 is not allowed。再來,我們可以將 anyone who 用以下替換:

Anyone who is late is not allowed to enter the classroom. 
= Whoever is late is not allowed to enter the classroom. 
= He who is late is not allowed to enter the classroom. 
= One who is late is not allowed to enter the classroom.
= The person who is late is not allowed to enter the classroom.

值得注意的是,上面這幾句話的先行詞都是單數,所以形容詞子句的動詞要用第三人稱單數的「is」,而主要句子的動詞也要跟主詞 anyone/ he/ the person 一致。我們也可以將主詞「人」單數改成複數的「人們」,如 those/ they/ people/ those people,再改寫成以下:

Those who are late are not allowed to enter the classroom. 
= They who are late are not allowed to enter the classroom.
= People who are late are not allowed to enter the classroom.
= Those people who are late are not allowed to enter the classroom.

這裡要記得的是,因為這一組的先行詞都是複數「人們」,所以不管是子句還是主要句子的動詞,都用要複數動詞 are。另外,上面的幾句話還可以改寫成:

Such as are late are not allowed to enter the classroom. 
= Such people as are late are not allowed to enter the classroom.

這裡的 as 是作為關係代名詞的用法。原本為 such people as,但常把 people 省略掉而成 such as。同學們很容易將此與「舉例說明」的 such as 用法搞混,也容易以為是 such 的倒裝句。例如:

such as「例如」
I like many subjects, such as English, math and Chinese. 
such 的倒裝用法
Such a beautiful girl is she that everyone loves her.

whoever 與 whomever

到目前為止,我們討論的都是 anyone who = whoever 當主詞,但既然 anyone who 跟 whoever 都是引導出一個名詞子句,那麼當然也可以像一般名詞一樣放在受詞的位置囉!接下來我們來看一下 anyone who 跟 whoever 當「受詞」的用法。

(O) You can give the book to anyone who needs it. 
(O) You can give the book to whoever needs it. 
(X) You can give the book to whomever needs it.

值得注意的是,這句的 who 是 need it 的主詞,所以我們會用 whoever,而不是 whomever。whom為介係詞 to 的受格,因此很多學生會認為這句話應該要用 whomever。但這是錯的,我們應該先看先行詞(anyone)在子句裡面的角色是主詞還動詞,舉例來說:

You can give the book to anyone whom you like. 
= You can give the book to whomever you like.

在這個例子,anyone 是先行詞,whom 所引導的子句是當受詞的功能,就像 「you like someone」裡的「someone」一樣,因此,這裡使用 whomever 較佳。然而,但現代文法漸漸將 whoever 代替 whomever,所以當你聽到「You can give the book to whoever you like」時,也別不要太意外呢!下一章節,我們就會來談討更多的 複合關係代名詞 (whomever/ whosever/ anyone whose/ whichever/ whatever/ what)喔!



(Anyone who/ 
He who/ 
One who/ 
The person who)
+ V單

(Those who/ 
They who/ 
People who/ 
Those people who)
+ V複
= Such (people) as + V複

those who 的佳句補充

those who 這個用法經常會出現在名言佳句中,可以泛指「那些人們」,舉例來說:

God helps those who help themselves. 
Blessed are those who love Him!  
Fortune favors those who use their judgment.  
